
<<previous The thunderstorm outside continued to send shudders throughout the structure. The old man could feel the enormity of what raged just outside, as the floor beneath his feet shook. The stick he held, steadied him as he examined the pavement, looking through a small window carved into the wall, trying to figure out who had turned up at his safe haven, because, he had heard footsteps right before the rain pattering on the leaves of the trees had muffled it. Nobody had ever strayed this far into the forest in all the years he had lived there. And from his knowledge of the ancient texts, he was sure this philosophically significant place could never be discovered unless the seeker was pre-determined to find it. But, only a few knew of its existence, and so he wondered if it was someone from his brotherhood. He spotted a silhouette lying on the pavement. Whoever it was, they seemed to have been rendered unconscious, maybe because of the fall or due to mere exhaust...