
The forest lay bare, facing the receding specs of light from the playful sun that hid so often behind the dark blue clouds drifting slowly together to conglomerate to completely obscure it and bring the wrath of thunderstorm upon the forest underneath which now lies the ruins of a great city. The silence that the forest now soaked in was only broken by the muffled footsteps that dared not echo, for, the forest was in silence for centuries now. The footsteps belonged to a woman clad in a black gown torn at various places. Beads of sweat dripped from her forehead carrying with it the blood from cuts and mixed with it were tears that glossed her hazel black pupils which had witnessed the downfall of what was once an intelligent species. The teardrops dripped onto the cloth-covered object that she held pressed against her bosom, as though the trees that basked in the last rays of the sun would take it from her as the darkness sets in. She slowed down, coughing profusely due to th...