The Oblivion

Have you ever wondered, how nothingness has any significance in this universe? How nothingness actually makes absolute sense when viewed with the right perspective? People fail to recognize the beauty of nothingness. It is nothingness that we sprang from, and nothingness that we shall end in, it is nothingness that all of the cosmos is surrounded with, it is nothingness that brings you the elixir of life, sunlight! It is nothingness that wraps us in its arms, protects us in its embrace and never let's go. We associate death with darkness solely because we humans fear death. We fear the oblivion. We fear that all that we have done so far would actually be engulfed by nothingness. That, we will be just as insignificant as the millions of those that just died this second. We fear travelling into this world of darkness, the abyss that is inescapable. We fear it, and it might be as well called a hardwired phobia forced into our system. But, what we do not know is, we are liv...